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WiSE is a student-run mentoring and networking group focused on recruiting, sustaining, and advancing women students in science, technology, engineering, and math.  During each semester, WiSE hosts talks with various women in science from a variety of backgrounds and provides a time for students to talk with these presenters about their experience in their discipline and career path. WiSE also has hosted career services in the past, with workshops aimed at helping women in science grow their professional skills, from resume writing to interview preparation.  Other efforts have included outreach to local schools and girl scout troops, Science Fair support, and fund-raising activities. Our organization is truly based on what our members want to see, so we are constantly evolving and growing to best suit our group.

Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.

Roselind Franklin, chemist and X-ray crystallographer

Our Mission

Our Mission

We strive to serve our community by making STEM an open, inclusive, and accessible environment for all genders and races.


Our Vision

Our vision for WiSE is to not only be a safe place for women in STEM, but also to help our members become strong, confident, and to push against the systematic patriarchy commonly found in STEM.

We Need Your Support Today!

With your gift, we can keep WiSE resources and events free and open, one less barrier to women in STEM.

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